The purpose of this page is to suggest possible learning starter paths for Grigori Grabovoi's Teachings, based on various aspects.
Grigori Grabovoi suggests to study the various parts of His Teachings in chronological order as they were published: This page shows recommendations from one of His students, who first started with the short, mostly seminar books available in Hungarian, but they only discouraged him because of their unusual brevity. After that, however, he started the English version of the book "The Resurrection of People and Eternal Life From Now On Is Our Reality!", then he started the exercises according to the "Methods Of Concentration" and after that he managed to gain certainty. Due to this experience maybe others also find it useful to try this way, if the first books seems difficult in the beginning.
Any path one chooses to follow, before starting reading the books it may be useful to get to know Grigori Grabovoi's life, His works, His detailed biography, and watch video testimonies which could be recalled when one needs them.
The steps of getting to know the Teachings individually:
  1. hearing about the Teachings
  2. to be interested
  3. reading
  4. experimenting
  5. getting certainty
  6. accepting
  7. using
  8. sharing
In order to experiment and gain certainty, it is worth choosing to control an event that has not yet appeared in physical reality, because it can still be easily shaped.

Possible learning starter paths

By world view
Primarily scientific, or atheist, or sceptic
Irrational Methods of Prevention of Global Catastrophic Processes Posing a Threat to The Entire World
Unified System of Knowledge
Certificates and licenses of intellectual novelties (ru)
Doctoral dissertation: Applied Structures of The Creating Field of Information
Doctoral dissertation: Research And Analysis Of Fundamental Definitions Of Optical Systems In Prevention Of Catastrophes And Forecast Oriented Control Of Microprocesses
Patent: "Method For Prevention Of Catastrophes And Device For Its Realization" In Realization Of Eternal Development
Patent: "Information-Carrying System" In Realization Of Eternal Development
Methods Of Concentration
First the exercises 13/1, 6/1, 7/1, 8/1, 9/1, 11/1, 14/1, 16/1, 17/1 without event control. Later, these exercises with control to a goal that suits your interests, preferably for the benefit of as many people as possible for faster results.
The Resurrection of People and Eternal Life From Now On Is Our Reality!
Primarily religious
Extraterrestrial. Doomsday Is Not Going To Happen
The Resurrection of People and Eternal Life From Now On Is Our Reality!
Methods Of Concentration
All of the exercises, but especially the 3rd ones of the days :-)
Interested in both science and spirituality
The Resurrection of People and Eternal Life From Now On Is Our Reality!
Methods Of Concentration
The Resurrection of People and Eternal Life From Now On Is Our Reality!
Methods Of Concentration
The Teachings Of Grigori Grabovoi About God. The joy of control (ru)
The Teachings Of Grigori Grabovoi About God. The joy of experiencing (ru)
The Teachings Of Grigori Grabovoi About God. The feelings of eternal life (ru)
The Methods Of Rejuvenation For Eternal Life
By age
"Well, just as life is given to everyone for eternal time, respectively, everyone is born with the whole arsenal of control, which enables him inherently to live eternally if he does not start forgetting some elements of internal development, or does not turn on timely some kind of control mechanisms."
– Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi
-3 years, before birth
Educational System of Grigori Grabovoi
-9 - 0 months, from conception to birth
Educational System of Grigori Grabovoi
0 - 3 years
Educational System of Grigori Grabovoi
3 - 7 years
Educational System of Grigori Grabovoi
Methods Of Concentration
From the age of 7 to infinity
Educational System of Grigori Grabovoi
The Resurrection of People and Eternal Life From Now On Is Our Reality!
Methods Of Concentration
By health status
Restoring the health of the physical body can be more difficult than controlling other events. The reason for this is that what has already manifested in physical reality is much more difficult to change later. Nevertheless, it is not impossible, it is definitely recommended to work on it mentally and consciously.
As soon as a person's consciousness and body consciousness are restored, the physical body follows this knowledge and becomes whole and healthy.
Purposefulness, patience and persistence are required.
In serious cases, it is recommended to concentrate on the goal a full minute four times a day. In severe cases, this may require more work.
As more and more people accept and use the Teachings, the restoration of health, as well as the radical restoration of the whole reality, will happen more quickly.
The Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi does not replace medical treatment. The Teaching does not in any way limit a person to contact medical institutes for treatment.
Gone one
He needs the help of the living. Either he organizes his return as a baby to his future parents, as before, or he waits for the call, teaching and love of his living family members, and with the help of the combined creative power of each of them, he builds his healthy, incorruptible, perfect physical body and resurrects.
For this, living family members must reach the Rescuer level.
Being in a life-threatening condition
The threat to life must be eliminated immediately!
Call an ambulance or medical help!
If you don't have time to call an ambulance, forcefully calm yourself down and use your best skills to avert the danger to life!
There are no coincidences, every event has a reason. All danger is preceded by a premonition of danger. Learn from life's lessons, be open to your intuition and become cautious even when you have a faint premonition of danger.
Mentally disabled
Methods Of Concentration
His direct helper should teach him the exercises 16/1, 7/1, 2/1, 11/1 without event control.
As his mental ability develops, when he is already capable of it, he should perform the same exercises with control to the goal that his own mental ability, his knowledge of the world and his physical body are constantly developing, recovering and becoming more and more skillful.
The people living in his environment first use the exercises 5/1, 5/3 of the book Methods Of Concentration without event control, later they, as many as possible, should reach the Rescuer level and help with event control their fellow human being in his development.
The other Rescuers of the World are naturally constantly helping all people in their development, mostly with the 23/1, but eventually with all of the exercises and their event controls.
Has external physical deficiency
Since the consciousness of one's environment, the consciousness of other people also affects a person, it is more laborious to restore externally visible deficiencies than internal deficiencies.
It is recommended to ask the environment for help in the restoration in such a way that they also place it in their consciousness that the restoration will take place gradually, or at least just to allow the "miracle" to happen.
The Resurrection of People and Eternal Life From Now On Is Our Reality!
Methods Of Concentration
Unified System of Knowledge
The Teachings Of Grigori Grabovoi About God. The joy of control (ru)
The Teachings Of Grigori Grabovoi About God. The joy of experiencing (ru)
The Teachings Of Grigori Grabovoi About the Cosmos (ru)
Has internal physical deficiency
The Resurrection of People and Eternal Life From Now On Is Our Reality!
Methods Of Concentration
Unified System of Knowledge
The Teachings Of Grigori Grabovoi About God. The joy of control (ru)
The Teachings Of Grigori Grabovoi About God. The joy of experiencing (ru)
The Teachings Of Grigori Grabovoi About the Cosmos (ru)
Seriously ill
Unified System of Knowledge
The Resurrection of People and Eternal Life From Now On Is Our Reality!
Methods Of Concentration
The Teachings Of Grigori Grabovoi About God. The joy of control (ru)
The Teachings Of Grigori Grabovoi About God. The joy of experiencing (ru)
The Teachings Of Grigori Grabovoi About the Cosmos (ru)
The Resurrection of People and Eternal Life From Now On Is Our Reality!
Methods Of Concentration
The Teachings Of Grigori Grabovoi About God. The joy of control (ru)
The Teachings Of Grigori Grabovoi About God. The joy of experiencing (ru)
The Methods Of Rejuvenation For Eternal Life
The Resurrection of People and Eternal Life From Now On Is Our Reality!
Methods Of Concentration
Unified System of Knowledge
The Teachings Of Grigori Grabovoi About God. The joy of control (ru)
The Teachings Of Grigori Grabovoi About God. The joy of experiencing (ru)
The Resurrection of People and Eternal Life From Now On Is Our Reality!
Methods Of Concentration
Unified System of Knowledge
By social, economic rank
Wealthy, influential, powerful, responsible, leader
Methods Of Concentration
First the exercises 13/1, 20/1, 22/1, 23/1, 26/1, 2/1 without control, and later control of reality with these exercises.
If possible, purchase usage license and place PRK-1U (1) (2) (3), the device for the development of the concentrations of eternal life, in as many institutions as possible.
Patent: "Method For Prevention Of Catastrophes And Device For Its Realization" In Realization Of Eternal Development
Patent: "Information-Carrying System" In Realization Of Eternal Development
The PRK-1U device is tuned to the vibration range of those elements of the Universe that have reached eternity, live forever. In the device's environment, living beings, buildings, businesses, events are restored and the conditions are helped towards eternity, eternal life. Its operation is based on harmony because harmony is the guarantee of the eternity of the World. The device can work either on its own or can be used by a person, in the latter case, the person's abilities improve, his thinking speeds up, and he tunes in to thoughts and ideas which ensures eternal life.
The Resurrection of People and Eternal Life From Now On Is Our Reality!
The Resurrection of People and Eternal Life From Now On Is Our Reality!
Methods Of Concentration
The Resurrection of People and Eternal Life From Now On Is Our Reality!
Methods Of Concentration
By interest level
Not able to learn
Methods Of Concentration
Exercises 16/1, 17/1, 7/1, 11/1, 2/1 and 14/3, first without control, only the concentrations.
As his mental ability develops, when he is already capable of it, he should perform the same exercises with control to the goal that his own mental ability, his knowledge of the world and his physical body are constantly developing, recovering and becoming more and more skillful.
Does not want to learn...
... because he is not interested in anything:
That is impossible :-)
Methods Of Concentration
Exercises 16/1, 11/1.
... because he is lazy:
Methods Of Concentration
Exercise 16/1.
... because he thinks he can't (anymore) learn:
Methods Of Concentration
Exercises 16/1, 11/1, 3/1, 7/1.
... because no one else in his environment studies this Teaching:
He who looks for it will find gold.
... because he follows a different teaching:
Getting to know the basics of the Teachings broadens one's horizons and enriches one's experiences. Getting to know the basics does not mean learning and practicing the Teachings, you can still follow your own chosen teaching.
If you think, compare your chosen teaching with the ideas of resurrection and eternal life of this Teaching.
You can get to know the basics and direction of the Teachings most quickly from the book Methods Of Concentration.
... because the possibility of eternal life is unacceptable to him:
According to the Teachings, old age is a disease that can be cured on the one hand, and can be avoided with the right consciousness on the other.
The Resurrection of People and Eternal Life From Now On Is Our Reality!
The Methods Of Rejuvenation For Eternal Life
... because he had heard bad news about the Teacher:
The Teacher's response to the bad news.
Detailed records of resurrections based on love can be found in the The Resurrection of People and Eternal Life From Now On Is Our Reality! book.
But the best evidence is one's own evidence.
Little willing to learn
Methods Of Concentration
Exercises 16/1, 17/1, 6/1, 7/1, 3/1, 11/1, 2/1, 22/1, first without, later with event control.
The Resurrection of People and Eternal Life From Now On Is Our Reality!
Methods Of Concentration
The Resurrection of People and Eternal Life From Now On Is Our Reality!
Methods Of Concentration
Unified System of Knowledge
The Teachings Of Grigori Grabovoi About God. The joy of control (ru)
The Teachings Of Grigori Grabovoi About God. The joy of experiencing (ru)
Event control goals:
Normalization of situations:
(December 27th, 2022)
Ensuring salvation, harmonious development and eternal life for all people.
Only news that corresponds to reality appears in the media.
Normalization of the existing situation in the world.
The leaders of the countries of the Earth sign the agreement in which they guarantee the peaceful resolution of conflicts at all times.
Nuclear safety, nuclear weapons remain dormant, nuclear power plants operate safely.
The countries of the Earth are united into a single country so that people can resolve all conflicts peacefully and ensure harmonious development for all people.
Ensuring eternal life for all people.
Should be used together:
The Resurrection of People and Eternal Life From Now On Is Our Reality!
Methods Of Concentration
"For the time being I have a training program for my Teachings, which works as a Standard educational program. And many works have been published. And all the works that are included in the program are published. The program is built on principle that my works are listed just in the order of increasing dates.
Therefore, like any educational program that is presented in the form of a text, does not require my special additional participation, except, in some cases, to give some explanations, which I do quite rarely due to the fact that the program is built in such a way that a person can basically find the answer himself."
– Grigori Petrovich Grabovoi
Education Program for the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi
Titles of Grigori Grabovoi's works and writings (ru)
Titles of the seminar materials of the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi (ru)
... this is what happens when a generous person works, creates and lives for his loved ones.
Grigori Grabovoi books
Courses, webinars:
Education Center for Education Program on the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi
Grabovoi Foundation
Center Grigori Grabovoi (Slovenia)
With the tool for concentration development, faster, more harmonious, more efficient and more accurate results can be achieved.
Spiritual way:
Learning from the Creation by observing the visible creatures and events of the World, directly from the Creator, and from Grigori Grabovoi.
Like the Dedicated, but the endless possibilities are yet to be discovered :-)
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